Our dating and matchmaking site offers men from UK, and men from all over the world, a true opportunity to meet single Russian women who are genuinely looking for a husband from outside their country. Because of the lack of available men in Belarus, Moldavia, Russia and the Ukraine, (see Russian census), thousands of single Russian women will never have the chance to find their man in their own country.
With the cooperation of our marriage agency partners, we can guarantee that each woman is real and that the pictures shown on her profile are from her. Our trusted marriage agency owner and staff meet every woman in person and validate her identity with her passport. This is a great advantage to our clients and it is something that “free dating sites”, where no-one is required to meet anyone in person, cannot guarantee - leaving the door open to scammers. Our agency owners have years of experience in marriage services and they are qualified matchmakers who know how to recognize and refuse these scam artists. They only accept single Russian women who are serious and sincere at finding a husband.
Russian girls, as most girls from most countries, are seeking a husband who will love them, respect them and who is financially secure. Russian girls are also looking for a man who is loyal, faithful and who will treat them as an equal partner. Paradoxically, they see the man as the head of the family and as a strong leader. But, that does not mean that they are submissive. As for most people, they look for a life partner who has a similar educational background – and it is safe to say that a good percentage of girls from Russia have a university education. The fact is that they wish to be with a man who has a good knowledge of life in general and a man who has the ability to discuss different subjects in an interesting and pleasant way.
A typical Russian girl is not necessarily looking for a man who has won beauty contests nor for a millionaire. Actually, and as for most women, they seek a man with a deep inner beauty. They look for a man who has integrity and a man who is not afraid to defend his position. Be yourself, be open, be sincere, listen as much as you talk …more is even better, be understanding, be helpful, be loving and you should be in a very good position to find yourself a beautiful and loving Russian bride.
I am Kristina from Kiev, Ukraine. I’m 32 years old, single and seeking a partner. | |
Are you looking for a beautiful 35 years old girl from Krivoj Rog? It is me! My name is Nadezhda and I’m looking for my second half. | |
My name is Yuliya. I’m 40 years old. I am divorced and live in Kiev, Ukraine. |
One thing that is hard to argue is that a good percentage or Russian women are very attractive. They are slim and take good care of their body by keeping an active lifestyle and heating healthy. Russian women are also very feminine and dress elegantly, not only on occasions, but on a daily basis. Probably, the most important quality they possess that attracts men from the west is that they are family oriented and still believe in the traditional family values.
Nowadays, we hear of more and more men from the west who have a great difficulty to find a life partner who is family oriented. A good percentage of single women in countries of the west make their career the priority. Finding a husband and creating a family comes only after they reached their professional goals. There is nothing wrong with the idea but in fact, it translates into having very little time to develop a relationship and to create a family. It is often the kind of relationships where the man and woman meet on weekends and vacations but keep each their own apartment.
Many men from the west want to find a life partner who will invest herself in the relationship, just as they want to do. They are aware that many single Russian women are also looking for such a life partner and cannot find him in their own country. This is one of the main reasons why so many men from the UK and from all over the world are interested in finding a Russian bride.
Russian women are known to be quick learners and hard workers. In today’s world with fast paced changes, a single woman has no choice than to be strong and to develop the ability to adapt to the many challenges that the global economy brings us. Russian women have developed this ability to adapt to ongoing changes and it helps them a lot when comes the time to move in a different country.
Typically, a Russian woman wants to be with a man who will respect her and love her. The race, religion and country of her future husband are not so important. Russian women are generally well educated and they wish to be in a country where they will be able to maintain a balanced lifestyle, where there are good schools and where there is stability. But again, the main criteria are the quality of the man they will join – not so much the location and wealth of his country. Their dearest dream is to find a good husband and to create a family – that can be done anywhere.
Russian women live in a big country, actually, the biggest country on earth. A country that is rich in culture and traditions. When she moves to her new husband’s country, indeed, she will need to adapt to many differences of lifestyle. How easy will this process be depends a lot on how much her husband will help her. And, it is also for the man to adapt to her mentality. This is actually a bonus as it will make him discover a whole new universe and different ways to cope with every day’s challenges. Remember that a man can take his woman out of Russia but he will never take Russia out of her. If you would like to have such a life partner, why not begin looking for a wife in Russia? Each year, thousands of men from UK and from different countries find their beautiful Russian bride.