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Russian Brides are Looking for a Husband or a Better Life?

Russian brides are joining their newlywed husbands in Western countries each year. Are they looking for a husband or a better life is a question which crosses the mind of most people when hearing about men seeking a bride in Eastern Europe.

In most cases, the relationships of these international couples
will outlast those of the local couples.

  • Unfortunately, because the Medias have a tendency to focus more on the news which brings sensationalism, we mostly hear of the Russian women scammers and marriage scams cases.
  • Many reasons can explain this Russian brides phenomenon and the main one being that many of them simply cannot find a suitable partner within their country. Being outnumbered by approximately 10 million men, family oriented Russian women are loosing hope to find the man with who they will create a family.

International matchmaking becomes their best option to find a good husband.

  • Single Russian women often register with their local marriage agency that will help them find their dream man. The local matchmaking agency will partner with an international dating website that will display the profiles of their women, thus giving them the chance to meet single men from around the world.
  • Men from Western countries often find themselves in a similar situation: they cannot find a suitable partner who is family oriented and willing to engage in a serious relationship. Although the term Russian Mail Order Brides remains, the Internet provides the opportunity to women and men from any parts of the world to correspond and develop relationships leading to marriage.

Eastern European women from Belarus, Russian and the Ukraine offer exceptional qualities that draw men from all over the world.

  • They are generally well educated and hard workers.
  • They are faithful, family oriented and quite attractive.
  • Seeking stability in a partner, they will often engage with men 10-15 years older.
  • They can adapt to new cultures and traditions quite easily and will learn new languages within a few months.

Dating scammers are present in every country on the local and international scene.

  • Dating scammers and marriage scammers are present in Russian but no more than in other country.
  • The vast majority of Russian women seeking a husband outside their country are doing it with the intent to create a strong family and share a life long relationship.
  • Finding a reliable international matchmaking website is the best option as the women displayed were met in person by their local marriage agency.
  • Russian local marriage agencies validate the identity of each woman with passport and interview them to evaluate their honesty and true intent at finding a foreign husband.

Russian brides become the beautiful wives of thousands of men each year. As the demographics of Russia and former USSR are not likely to change in terms of women outnumbering men, the Russian brides phenomenon is predicted to keep growing in the coming years.

About the authors
Alain Lalonde and Yuliya Kuneyeva are the co-founders of My Partner Forever. Together, they cumulate 45 years of experience in customer service. They specialize in introducing Russian women, Ukrainian Women and Belarus Women to men from around the world. They currently work with over 70 marriage agencies throughout former USSR providing a full range of services to assist their clients with traveling plans to meet women in most parts of Belarus, Russia and the Ukraine.


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